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Practical Guidance Focussing on Typical Cambridge Properties

Cambridge City Council has released a new guide to provide property owners in Cambridge with practical information on how to make their homes more energy efficient and low carbon. The guide sets out a whole-house approach to retrofitting the most common types of property in the City and provides practical advice on how to retrofit to net zero.

We recognise that residents will have different budgets and needs, particularly at a time when the cost of living is increasing rapidly and there is such economic uncertainty. While this guide sets out all the steps that would be needed to retrofit your home to a net zero carbon standard, it outlines a phased approach, so that you can start where you can, with the budget that you have available.

The guide has been created using example properties located in the City to provide advice residents can relate to with example costs and clear diagrams explaining each improvement in detail. The guide also recognises some of the challenges to retrofit and explains where you can go for further advice and support.

Through Action on Energy the Cambridgeshire local authorities are providing a range of support for people to retrofit homes, from implementing insulation and energy efficiency programmes using central Government funding, to developing a framework contract with approved retrofit contractors which homeowners can use to access reliable installers. More details of these schemes will be announced over the next few months.

Retrofitting your home brochure sample page
Retrofitting your home measures and approximate costs illustration

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